Out of Sight Insight
Coaching and Consulting

Your energy, kindness, and talent are unmatched. You are the only consultant for me. Thanks for making such a difference in my world. -Lauren H

Second Sight? No. Informed Intuition.

Izolda will give you unmatched insights at your personal appointment, and she will electrify your event.

Izolda headshot out of sight insight consulting and founder
Izolda Trakhtenberg

Izolda comes by her intuitive insight skills from a long line of women. Born in the former Soviet Union, in Moldova, Izolda conveys the wisdom of her heritage to every consultation and coaching session. Clients have praised Izolda’s results for their accuracy and poignancy. Further, her friendly, engaging manner and accurate information will wow you and your guests.

Izolda brings an inviting yet no-nonsense presence to every event. She will connect with and inspire even your most reserved guests.

Hindsight: Decades of Experience in Consulting and Coaching

Izolda brings her decades of experience of more than 15,000 individual intuitive insights consults to every interaction. People have come back to her years later to say they couldn’t believe that what she’d said had actually happened. It wasn’t until after it happened that they “got” it.

Izolda has honed her intuitive skills as a consultant, speaker, and presenter. She will give you the information you need, and she will provide actionable guidance on how to proceed with confidence.

Foresight: But What About The Bad News? Should I Be Scared?

We all face obstacles, and Izolda believes forewarned is forearmed. She will never tell you about an upcoming challenge without also giving you means and ideas on how to handle it.

Love at First Sight? Nope. Just Intuitive Insight.

Yes, she’s predicted a bunch of relationships (and she’s even officiated the weddings of many of those folks). More importantly, she’s helped her clients navigate the waters of finding and keeping love. Get her special actionable guide on how to draw your love to you in a healthy and joyful way. Will it always work as quickly as it did for the woman below (Identifying marks have been removed)? No. But it can set you on your path to finding the partner you deserve. It’s all about your mindset.

Email 1 (Pay attention to the dates in addition to what the email says. Sometimes, these things work quickly.)

Email describing being ready to do the love ceremony

Email 2

email saying she's met someone

Email 3

email saying she doesn't need the next step

I’m Izolda

Izolda headshot

Born in Moldova in the former Soviet Union, I grew up steeped in the rich heritage of Eastern Europe. I spent my first few years listening to my great-grandmother’s stories. Now, I use those stories about people, places, and the secrets to the way we think and feel to help my clients discover and walk their highest path.

Let’s connect